自我评价 英文|自我评价英文范例

  • 发布时间:2019-12-23   浏览: 次   来源:简历   手机版



【自我评价 英文范例一】

I am cheerful, honest, optimistic, honest and prudent, serious and responsible and pragmatic attitude, with strong ability to adapt, has engaged in professional social work practice enthusiasm. I want to give a community the opportunity to practice the profession in the work of the director to play through in a different environment of continuous learning, continuous efforts to adapt to evolving social demands, hope you can give me a platform to show. Thank you!

【自我评价 英文范例二】

My name is XXX. Im XX years old. I graduated last year. My major is Hotel Management. I am now familiar with hotel management. Since my internship, I have worked in multiple departments. I have worked as a room clerk a year since my graduation, so Im quite familiar with the Opera system and have accumulated some experience in room management. I love surfing the internet in my spare time and as well as shopping and sports.

I hope I have a good chance to grow with your hotel if I could join you.

【自我评价 英文范例三】

I have Concubine good looks, communication skills and organizational capacities of the strong, experienced numerous winter and summer vacations working temper my language ability and understanding, a better future for my work to lay a solid foundation for the hope that I have learned to for your company to the further development of the power that your company can be given the opportunity to display their time. Thank you!

【自我评价 英文范例四】

I am a third-year students have just graduated. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student. I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others. I like sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends are very fond of sports people. Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise. Movement which is very real pleasure. I like that feeling. I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as XX XX XXX. Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And will fall in love with the job. Please give me such an opportunity.

【自我评价 英文范例五】

I just graduated from a junior. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother in the garment business, the younger brother is also a college student. I am optimistic personality is a person who likes to communicate with others. I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends who are very fond of sports. All the spare time, I will some on my classmates and friends to exercise together. Movement of the happy is very real. I like that feeling. And I like to watch sports events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf.


自我评价英文范文 优缺点英文自我评价
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